Thursday, 19 August 2010

Is Dr Robert Dolan putting his pension ahead of his duties and the truth?

Moved from FTAC Watch

Last week Ian Cowie in the Telegraph postulated that it may have been the fear of loss of his pension that may have been behind the ‘suicide’ of Dr David Kelly. I am wondering if it is a similar fear of a loss of pension that may be behind the reluctance of Dr Robert Dolan to answer the questions I posed to him about my imprisonment.

To recap, I was held prisoner at Mile End Hospital by ‘doctor’ Ferdinand Jonsson on orders from the Fixated Threat Assessment Centre (FTAC) who themselves were acting on instruction from the Labour government. The diagnosis that ‘doctor’ Ferdinand Jonsson made was that I suffer from ‘Persistent Delusional Personality Disorder’. I believe that this is a malicious falsehood.

I have repeatedly asked everyone up to and including the chairman of East London NHS Foundation Trust, Dr Robert Dolan a simple question: For each of supposed delusional beliefs, a) what specifically is that belief, b) what is the proof that do actually hold that belief, and c) proof that the belief is a delusion. I do not think that it is unreasonable. The trust claim to use evidence based diagnosis; so what is their evidence? However, doctors Jonsson, Dolan and everyone else in the trust refuse to answer the question.

The reason why they will not answer the question is that there are no delusions. As I said, it is a malicious falsehood; I was subject to unlawful imprisonment and physical assault. If they answer then it will be shown for what it is and it will led the trust and its personal open to disciplinary proceedings, doctors being struck off, and maybe criminal prosecutions.

If ever I do get a chance to get justice, ‘doctor’ Jonsson will definitely end up in prison. However, Dr Robert Dolan has publically backed Jonsson and as a result is in very grave danger of sharing his fate to some extent. His is very likely to lose his job. With it will inevitably be the loss of his pension.

Could it be that Dr Robert Dolan would put his pension ahead of the truth and his duties? It is a possibly an explanation as to his despicable behaviour.

As always: All I ever wanted to do was to have earned a living in peace.

The economics of the madhouse

Moved from FTAC Watch

On Guido’s blog he has a post about deficit deniers. He finishes his post with the phrase “the economics of the madhouse” Well; I have an anecdote about that. I have said this several times, but I think I would like to repeat it again.

My background is in the development of analytical and trading systems in the financial sector. (However, ‘doctor’ Ferdinand Jonsson has decreed that this is all a delusion.) Although I have no expectations of ever working again, it is a subject that I maintain a keen interest in.

I was abducted from my home in November, 2008 while the economic crisis was in full flow. Whilst detained I was denied all access to any serious news sources. All I was offered was random copies of the Metro free newspaper that any members of staff may have picked up on their way to work. I repeatedly asked of a copy of the Financial Times so I could see what was happening. After a few weeks they let me have a copy and I discovered how far things had developed.

The ‘named nurse’ by her own admission had no interest in finance and was more interested in Madonna’s divorce than any thing else in the news. I foolishly pointed out this nurse that when I was free it was a one level and how far it had moved.

At my first tribunal at the end of my first month of imprisonment I was astonished to hear ‘doctor’ Ferdinand Jonsson state to the members that I believed I was in control of the global economy. This is as far from my actual belief as it is possible to get. Not only do I not believe that I am in control, I believe the nature of the system is that it cannot be controlled in any significant way and that attempts to do so will destabilise the whole thing.

In her testimony the nurse claimed I was obsessed with the charts that showed a decline. Yes, I looked at the charts a lot: that is how time-series data is presented. The very nature of the crisis was that every asset class was declining with the exception of US Treasuries. That was the important thing.

None of them had ever asked me anything about what I believed, the nature of the subject, my interests, or my interpretation. They just used it to fabricate a malicious fiction to justify their imprisonment of me.

Later in one of the last ward rounds I attended (I refused to go because they were a farce; full of lies of ‘doctor’ Ferdinand Jonsson who was closed to any evidence), ‘doctor’ Ferdinand Jonsson was showing off to his crowd and asked me about my thoughts on the economy. I said, “Technically speaking, you’re fucked.” There was a few laughs and Jonsson invited me to expand on my remark and how I would fix it. I said that there had been gross over spending and the debt was unsustainable. There would have to be massive cuts in public spending. At which point he cut me off and smiled at his audience.

At the end of ward round he offered me medication which I turned down. He said it would help me with my ‘peculiar’ beliefs about the economy. Its strange how things have turned out isn’t it.

Despite Jonsson having been shown to be wrong so many times, East London NHS Foundation Trust led by Dr Robert Dolan still stand by his diagnosis. However, they have never formally told me what my delusions are. Despite me repeatedly requesting answers, they refuse to answer the simple question of a) what are the supposedly delusional beliefs that I hold, b) what evidence do they have that I hold such a belief, c) proof that the belief is actually a delusion. That refusal clearly shows that there is no basis for the diagnosis, it is a malicious falsehood, and I was unlawfully imprisoned.

As always: All I ever wanted to do was to have earned a living in peace.

Time to move on

Since my quest for justice has failed it is time to move on to a quest for vengeance.

I had my life totally destroyed by the former Labour government. They stole my livelihood, made me bankrupt and homeless, and denied me the care and assistance that is supposedly available. My pleas for assistance to my MP and government departments were ignore. In response to my persistence in pursuing my case, I became the subject of the Fixated Threat Assessment Centre (FTAC) who instructed the police to abduct me from my home and the East London NHS trust to fabricate reasons for my detention.

I have been denied access to proper medical care, legal representation, parliamentary representation, and social care. All things that are assumed to be normally available, or even mandated as part of the European Convention on Human Right that the UK is a signatory.

Through my previous blog (FTAC Watch), I sought justice for the abuse I have suffered. I have failed to achieve those aims. It is time to move on.

I have lost everything and there is no prospect of any improvement. In fact, the announcements of benefit cuts mean that my life is about to get a whole lot worse very soon. So I have nothing left to lose. I will soon end up dead either through my own hand, environmental factors cause by malnutrition or exposure, or the result of being killed by the police.

So for the short remainder of my life I will concentrate on vengeance.

I had thought about going the same route as other and use violence. The Americans have a term for it: ‘Going Postal’. However, I have given it a lot of thought and I think I can do a lot better through more subtle means.

This blog will be the central reference point. However, most of the activity will never be attributable to me.

Let the dance begin.