Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Back as a prisoner at Mile End Hospital

So, here I am held prisoner on Globe ward of Mile End hospital once again. The last time I was here was two years ago because I was abducted on orders from the FTAC for protesting about having my livelihood stolen from me by the then Labour government. This time the reason is to silence me from making comments about East London NHS Foundation Trust on these blogs of mine.

I have only just managed to get access to the internet again (more of that later) and have refrained from making any posts for fear of being banished from having any access whatsoever. However, since they are not listing to me, I feel that I should use this medium to express my frustrations as to what is happening to me.

For a start here is a brief summary of what has happened so far. I was abducted on 2 November and held on Globe ward of Mile End hospital. After two days I was transferred to the intensive care ward for an incident described below. Within 24 hours I was further transferred to Beven ward Homerton Hospital which is also an intensive care ward. There I was left for nearly a month.

There is one good thing: I got to shout abuse at ‘doctor’ Jonsson. Thursdays are his ward round day. I sat in the common area waiting for his arrival. When he showed up I began to should, “Jonsson, you corrupt, incompetent liar. How many lives are you going to fuck up today?” And so on. It obviously got to him because by the end of the day I was transferred to the intensive care ward next door and subsequently to the other hospital. It was worth it. I derived great pleasure being able to shout and swear at him. Now that I am back on Globe ward I’ll have further opportunities to abuse him. I shall have to be more creative.

1 comment:

  1. Go to town on Jonnson but remember that you are not abusing him, you are identifying him. Tell every staff member that they are wrong to have you there at their facility. Resist their drugs. Eat their food. Make every thing as difficult for them as possible whilst reminding them that they are assaulting you.

    Brush up on your understanding of logical fallacies. Challenge every staff member and observe that every single defence of themselves will make use of logical fallacies, misinformation, false information and outright lies. Point out every single error they make in their reasoning. Make free use of insult and ridicule.

    Remind them of your blog and that anything they do or say is likely to appear on your blog. Ask for FoI forms so as to access the documentation they are currently writing. Ask for visitation by a lawyer or community visitor.

    Do not make any concessions or agreements with these people just to gain release. Better to stay (and save some money) and give them a hard time than make any concession to these imbeciles at all.

    There may be some reasonable people there amongst the patients. Get to know some of these if you can. This can also help you with ammunition and ideas you can use against the staff.
